SANCA Limpopo reaction on banning of Alcohol with immediate Date: 13th July 2020 SANCA Limpopo believes that the decision is taken to save lives by securing more beds for COVID-19 patients, as we know that Alcohol abuse contributes towards people causing accidents due to drunk driving and this result in violence and conflicts, where people end up hurt and injured and therefore a need for hospitalization. When some people are drunk, they have the edge to socialize, either by visiting their friends or families, which might lead into spreading of the virus (COVID-19). The virus moves because people move. We therefore, are in full support of this immediate ban of alcohol. What are we saying to everyone? It is therefore incumbent of all of us to encourage each other and make a clarion call to all people to cooperate in order to curb the spread of this pandemic. It is not an easy decision to make because it is not only alcohol drinkers who are affected but also those families whom their livelihood depends on income made through the selling of liquor or directly employed by the SAB. We really sympathize with the affected families. To alcohol users Please use this time as an opportunity to do the assessment with one of our SANCA offices to check your level of drinking, whether you are still in control or not. Support system especially, with/from families, is very crucial at this point but they can also seek professional help from registered centres. End. Boloka Hezekiel Director: SANCA Limpopo